Our vast music library includes over 400,000 songs that cover all genres and styles starting from the 1950's through today in both English and Spanish.
Our music library is updated on a daily basis as we receive the very same music that is sent to the radio stations thus all our music is radio edited and perfect for any occasion.
If for some reason there is something not in our music library that you are wanting for your event, no worries, we will get it for you including special mixes or covers at no additional cost to you.
When selecting your music for your event, you can be as detailed as you choose or just leave it up to us. Either way, we will always read the crowd and adjust accordingly to ensure a fun and entertaining event.
Below we have included links to our Music Library (where you can search by artist or title) and also links to 30 unique playlists, from genre to decades, curated from millions of song requests made through our Music Request System for live events over the past 12 months. Playlists are updated weekly with the latest data.